Why Savoring Science?

If you've made it to this page, you were invested enough to find out more about Savoring Science. So here it is: the motivation for this blog came from a former suite-mate of mine about a year ago. After seeing me prepare a whole host of random, but interesting meals during the summer research institute we were all taking part in , my suite-mate asked why I didn't blog. I hadn't ever really considered it. Though I certainly enjoyed everything I was making, I didn't know if other people would.

Eventually, as you can see, the encouragement I was getting from all of my friends motivated me to start Savoring Science as a blog dedicated to experimenting with food in the Big Apple. I've found that many college students either don't cook at all (which sort of makes sense considering all that NYC has to offer) or follow recipes very strictly. So many friends and acquaintances seem surprised that I not only cook, but come up with meals on my own. If only they knew how easy it truly can be! We all know what we like, and we can often decide what flavors will mesh well together. It just takes a little bit of patience and some good experimental technique to create a new and improved dish.

Deciding on the name for this blog was an experiment as well. I ran a list of names past my friends, to each of which they gave their seal of approval. However, "A Biochemist's Kitchen" and "Cook Like a Biochemist" just didn't fit what I envisioned. Understanding the science that goes on in the cooking process has become increasingly interesting to me, and so Savoring Science seemed only too apt.

Thanks for reading that rather long story about the origins of Savoring Science. Be sure to venture back from time to time for new ways to utilize science for the pleasure of your taste buds!

~Barnard Baker

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